Transport Insights

The Wellington Transport Analytics Unit develop a range of publications and dashboards to provide insights regarding transport and demographic trends to inform planning within the Wellington Region

A “People and Place” dashboard has been developed to provide a visual understanding of range of information such as where people live and work, how the travel around the region, the types of dwellings people live in and the population age structure.

A “People and Place” dashboard has been developed to provide a visual understanding of range of information such as where people live and work, how the travel around the region, the types of dwellings people live in and the population age structure.

This information is available at a TA and SA2 level, and the dashboard provides the ability to understand changes through time, compare differences between areas and benchmark local areas against regional and national averages.

Regional population projections have been developed to assist with longer-term strategic planning. These projections inform transport modelling along with the development of long term plans and asset management.

The Wellington Transport Analytics Unit has developed a series of working papers to understand how people currently access rail stations across the Wellington Region and identify opportunities to:

  • increase the non-car mode share of access trips to rail stations
  • increase the rail mode share of commuter trips to Wellington CBD